Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fara suparare

Dar avem un bou onanist care ne face probleme. Il ajutam sa iasa numarul unu :-) Cine vrea sa sustina actiunea poate publica un articol similar.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Medalii de aur pentru Romania

Olimpiada de la Beijing 2008 ne-a adus 4 medalii de aur pana acum. Sper ca pana la sfarsitul Olimpiadei de la beijing 2008 numarul acestor medalii sa se dubleze (cel putin)!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Blog de blog

Cine e interesat de un blog adevarat e invitat sa viziteze blogul lui Mugur

Friday, June 6, 2008

I don't have enough time to maintain all the blogs. Please visit!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Kamel Drivare

Kamel Drivare is a cocktail I recommend. The recipe is very simple: pour into a shot glass half of Sambuca and then using a spoon pour carefully Baileys without mixing the liquids. You have to drink it in one shot (you can mix it in the mouth if you like). Kamel Drivare is recommended at the end of the party together with Jägermeister!

Recommended by Kai

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Global Warming

Finally we have a normal winter in Romania! We all missed the snow and the real winter. Now we have it and children are very happy. I wrote an article about the subject in my Romanian Blog and I want to share my thoughts also to my English readers.

First of all I am an ecologist by nature. I may be influenced by movies (like An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore) and shows on Discovery Channel but I am sure that there is a small chance that there is some truth there. Otherwise Gore wouldn't take the Nobel Prize, right? I trust the Swedish Academy. And they are not the only authority that is concerned on the subject.

A lot of people are saying that the nature has some cycles and it is normal from time to time to have extreme phenomena. It is true maybe, but as long as we can do small things (like not printing useless things, using halogen bulbs, etc).

My next car will be a hybrid or bio-diesel powered.